Men's violence against women takes many shapes. All cases are unique. The kind of violence used depends on the circumstances, in particular the personalities of the man and the woman, their genetic inheritance, their backgrounds, how they were once "programmed" to think and react, their sense of justice, their dreams and wishes, their conception of what life is supposed to be, and how far they are ready to go in order to reach their goal.
In cases where the violence continues for years before the woman leaves the man, it is usually a question of her struggling to save the relationship by being as yielding, giving and forgiving as possible, while it is his goal to force her to become the person he thinks it is her duty to be.
The problem is that the more a woman lets herself be ruled and demeaned by a violent man, the more he despises her, and the more the violence increases! For, paradoxically, most violent men don't want submissive, faint-hearted women. They despise such women. They want a charming, strong, admirable, capable, considerate, caring woman who gives in to him because she realizes that he is so much superior to herself. When the woman does not manage to meet all these expectations, various types of violence is the only way this kind of man knows to express his discontent and "punish" the one who he feels has let him down.
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In cases where the violence continues for years before the woman leaves the man, it is usually a question of her struggling to save the relationship by being as yielding, giving and forgiving as possible, while it is his goal to force her to become the person he thinks it is her duty to be.
The problem is that the more a woman lets herself be ruled and demeaned by a violent man, the more he despises her, and the more the violence increases! For, paradoxically, most violent men don't want submissive, faint-hearted women. They despise such women. They want a charming, strong, admirable, capable, considerate, caring woman who gives in to him because she realizes that he is so much superior to herself. When the woman does not manage to meet all these expectations, various types of violence is the only way this kind of man knows to express his discontent and "punish" the one who he feels has let him down.
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